Sunday, October 23, 2011

A History of Chafing Dishes

Chafing dishes have been around for millennia and are a sort of indoor barbecue set in the form of charcoal-burning braziers and, possibly, the forerunner to the fondue set. Beautifully crafted bronze chafing dishes were found in the ruins of Pompeii, showing they were in during the first century AD. They were highly prized by the Romans at their lavish banquets and later mentioned in historical letters dating to 1520, when the Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes, described to Charles V their profuse usage for keeping plates and dishes warm during sumptuous banquets for hundreds of gormandizing noblemen at the height of the Aztec empire. The sixteenth century baroque painter, Diego Velazquez, portrayed a woman preparing a meal of eggs in a chafing dish and Louis XV's kitchens used them to keep the dainty dishes for the epicurean courtiers piping hot. By the seventeenth century this form of cookware was being documented in household inventories in America.

Velasquez's chafing dish appears to be earthenware, but silver chafing dishes used as plate-warmers were mentioned during the reign of Queen Anne, at the end of the seventeenth century. It was George II, around the middle of the eighteenth century, who had the foresight to put handles on the chafing dishes, which must have made life so much easier for the cooks and scullery maids of the time! The Victoria and Albert Museum in London, exhibits a gleaming copper chafing dish with brass fittings dating to circa 1895. Copper is an ideal metal because it is hard-wearing and conducts heat evenly while the brass handles remain cool enough to lift and move around.

In the 1950s the hostess trolley was designed. This was essentially a large chafing dish (or series of dishes) on wheels in a wooden surround to imitate a piece of furniture. It was thought to liberate women from the kitchen, enabling her to prepare food in advance and keep it warm, while she entertained the guests along with her husband. These fell out of fashion relatively quickly as the penchant for formal dining declined along with tastes for food left standing on a hot plate for several hours! With the demise in popularity of the hostess trolley came the revival of the chafing dish, more versatile, space-saving, portable and attractive than the great wooden tiered hearse for plates.

Nowadays a silver chafing dish (or at least, silver plated) is a popular accessory to any dinner table and can cost as little as $15.00 and whether your taste runs to Princess House Fantasia collectibles or traditional silver salver serving trays, there will be a chafing dish out there to match your decor and tastes and make entertaining friends for dinner just that little bit easier for you.
About The Author
This writer also enjoys write articles regarding items such as stainless steel chafing dish and shopping.

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The Best Way to Help Yourself Look Good and Feel Great

When people feel unattractive they move in a more lethargic or despondent way. Often less care is taken in dressing smartly, personal hygiene can become unimportant. By digging deep and finding the motivation to take more care and make an effort it becomes possible to start looking good and feeling better about oneself.
Let's look at how this can happen:
- Become a good friend to yourself. Spend money on yourself from time to time, buy a treat, watch films in the afternoon, indulge yourself occasionally. Learning to say 'no' can be an important step. Many people feel guilty if they say 'no' to others, but sometimes it is an important way of putting boundaries and parameters in place. There are times when you need to remind people of the importance of treating you well, that you need to be respected and considered. Improving your confidence levels helps you to look good, stand tall and feel great.
- When you make the effort to look nice and dress smartly other people often comment and give positive praise. This in itself can be enough to boost your confidence and make you smile. It makes the effort worthwhile and can encourage you to continue looking as good as you can. Review your look from time to time. Be aware of when you last updated your hairstyle, makeup or wardrobe and be receptive to change.
- Remind yourself of all the good things in your life. Do you have a pleasant home, caring friends, good neighbours, supportive family members? Do you live near to lovely places to visit, the countryside, the beach? What about the views, wildlife, culture? Count your blessings and focus on the good things in your life. When you remind yourself of the positive things available you can then commit to enjoying them again. Doing pleasurable, rewarding activities enables you to relax, look good and start to feel more motivated.
- Think of all the good things about yourself. Are you kind, loyal, a good friend? Do you make an effort to help and be supportive of others, have integrity, be generous? All these are positive traits that may be so much a part of your personality that there are many examples you can recall. Write down examples as a reference to remind yourself. Are you a hard worker, a good cook, make a regular effort to commit to the gym, be a good friend or relative? Boosting your personal sense of confidence and wellbeing is a positive component in looking good and feeling great.
- Bring colour into your life. Whether it be clothing, decor, paintings, introducing colour can really succeed in raising your spirits. Even a bright scarf, tie, belt, pair of socks can make all the difference to your mindset. Brightly coloured cushions and paintings in your home can make the place feel fresh and inviting. They introduce a welcome note.
- Smell and fragrance is important too. Using scented candles, cologne, lovely oils in the bath can lift your spirits, especially after a hard day's work or as the evenings draw shorter. Bring fresh flowers and plants into your home. They are an important way of de-stressing and relaxing at the end of the day.
- Look after yourself by eating healthy meals, commit to sleep at sensible times, drink plenty of water and take exercise whenever possible. Put yourself in your diary and tell yourself that you are important and worth it. It can be all to easy to rush around after others, at work, children, friends or family, and end up exhausted and irritable. Looking after yourself helps you to look good, become more relaxed and as such, feel better.
Looking good, doing the things you enjoy and being with the people who support you and make you feel good are all positive ways to commit to a good quality of life. The more calm and relaxed you are, the better you look and feel.
Susan Leigh is a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist who works with stressed individuals to promote confidence and self belief, with couples in crisis to improve communications and understanding and with business clients to help support the health and motivation levels of individuals and teams.
Further information, advice and articles are available.
For more information see
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The Best Internet Marketing Strategies for Coaches

Read this article to know the best internet marketing strategies that you can use when promoting your coaching business in the World Wide Web.
Start by making sure that your website has what it takes to capture the attention of your visitors. You don't want these people to leave your website without knowing who you are and what you offer. They'll surely stay a bit longer if your website is well-designed, engaging, and full of useful content. In addition, you need to ensure that your site speaks volumes about your expertise in your field and your professionalism. This is the first step in winning the trust and hearts of your visitors.
Secure better rankings on Google and other major search engines. There's a reason why hundreds and thousands of internet marketers are spending so much time, energy, and lots of money to get their website listed on top of search page results; it's the best way to boost web traffic by up to a hundredfold. There are so many different ways to get this type of ranking. Start by doing on and off page optimization, by building lots of high quality inbound links, and by promoting your website through PPC advertising and search engine marketing.
Learn and master the ropes of email marketing. Every person from all points of the globe has at least one email address. With that, it's safe to say that the fastest way to reach out to them is through email marketing. Through this, you'll be able to send them email ads or newsletters. However, keep in mind that you cannot just send these people anything without their permission. You don't want them to feel that you're spamming them otherwise, you'll lose their trust and business in a heartbeat.
Get the help of affiliate marketers. Obviously, you'll be able to reach out to more people if you get freelance marketers to help you promote your website and your coaching programs in the online arena. Hire those who have the needed expertise, experience, and exposure. You will need to give them pre-determined commission each time they make a sale or each time they're successful in getting interested parties to visit your website.
Hire an internet marketing consultant. If you think that you're not getting the process right and if you feel that you'll need direction from people who know the ropes of internet marketing, I would recommend that you hire an internet marketing consultant. I can guarantee you that you'll benefit from his experience and expertise.
Attract more traffic and build a responsive email marketing list. Be very aggressive when promoting your website and when attracting traffic. Ensure that you capture the attention of those people who are truly interested on what you offer. Get them to sign up to your newsletters and make regular follow-ups until such time that you're able to convert them from potential clients to paying customers.
Use blog marketing. Create your own blog where you can offer your potential clients with useful information and where you can easily get in touch with them. Blogging is now highly recommended after Google's algorithm change.
By the way, do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products?
If so, download my free guide here: How to Sell Coaching
Or do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Use a Membership Website Profitably

To use a membership website profitably, you need three things: subscription site software, subscribers and products. Many people believe that it's sufficient just to have the subscribers, but if you fail to make use of them then you are leaving a good part of your potential income on the table.
Let's have a close look at each of these three components, and how to use them to your best advantage.
The Subscription Website
First the subscription site itself. The site should be managed by a good membership site package that enables you to make it uniquely yours and not just another member site, looking the same as everybody else's does that is using the same software. You should be able to use your own logo, graphics and name so that you brand it as exclusively yours. This is a very important aspect when you create a membership site.
There are subscription website packages available online that enables you to run it from your own domain if you wish to, and to use your own site as the membership site. That offers complete customization, so there is no sense of a loss of identity or branding. Each site produced using it will be unique, and you can also use the same package to run a number of different domains and membership sites.
It is very important that your site is populated with information of interest to your members. Try to mix it up a bit, and not have it all in the same format: such as all articles, or just a list of videos. Offer some articles, some videos and perhaps one or two PDF eBooks for them to download. Anything that gives the impression of value for money is good. Simple instructional videos are easy to make using a webcam.
Keep in mind that your members will be paying you every month, and expect to get value for their subscription fee or they will go. Your content must change monthly, or at least be expanded with something new each month to offer value for the money they are paying.
The Membership
You must attract members, which means promotion. You should promote your member site just as you would any other product. There are several ways to do that, including blogging, article marketing, search engine marketing and using social network sites. You could set up a Facebook fan page on your niche, with a link to the membership website included.
You should respect your members when you have them, and offer them good content. Pull yourself back each month, look at your site dispassionately and decide if you would pay the membership fee for what you are offering them each month. Perhaps you have a unique form of software that people will use regularly, and is worth the monthly fee - examples of that type of subscription site run by others include Wordtracker and some article distribution services.
Unless your product is of that type, you will have to keep on updating your site and adding fresh content. Members might agree that what they get on joining is worth the fee, but why should they keep paying you if nothing changes next month, and the month after that?
The Products
If you are to use a membership website profitably, or as profitably as you possibly can, then you should also sell products as well as offer information. Yes, you get paid each month by your members, but keep in mind that you now have a captive audience, so why not make use of them and sell them products that should interest them? Don't stuff products down their throats, but have them available for any member that might consider them useful.
There are membership software packages available that you don't purchase outright, but use by subscription. Your first few members will easily cover your monthly fee for using it, and in return you get the membership site software plus new products added each month.
Some of these products can be customized as though you originated them. You should also seek out your own affiliate products, from ClickBank for example, and you might even add a few CPA banner ads that relate to the niche. Check out Offer Vault for good CPA offers to add yet another stream of income to your site. There are many ways to monetize a membership site including selling advertising space once your membership has grown to a reasonable size. You can find out how much to charge online - it is usually based on your membership numbers.
These are the three important elements of a profitable membership website: the membership software, the membership and the products. The content is also of extreme importance, because without fresh content appearing each month, you won't have a membership. If you look after each of these three, then your subscription website will be profitable and you will be ready to get started on your next member site. That's the secret of online success - find out what works and then repeat it, again and again.
Information on how to create a membership website is available from the Member desk site at where you will also find one of the most powerful membership software packages available online. Member Desk is the authority on everything membership website!
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The Best Internet Marketing Strategies for Coaches

Read this article to know the best internet marketing strategies that you can use when promoting your coaching business in the World Wide Web.
Start by making sure that your website has what it takes to capture the attention of your visitors. You don't want these people to leave your website without knowing who you are and what you offer. They'll surely stay a bit longer if your website is well-designed, engaging, and full of useful content. In addition, you need to ensure that your site speaks volumes about your expertise in your field and your professionalism. This is the first step in winning the trust and hearts of your visitors.
Secure better rankings on Google and other major search engines. There's a reason why hundreds and thousands of internet marketers are spending so much time, energy, and lots of money to get their website listed on top of search page results; it's the best way to boost web traffic by up to a hundredfold. There are so many different ways to get this type of ranking. Start by doing on and off page optimization, by building lots of high quality inbound links, and by promoting your website through PPC advertising and search engine marketing.
Learn and master the ropes of email marketing. Every person from all points of the globe has at least one email address. With that, it's safe to say that the fastest way to reach out to them is through email marketing. Through this, you'll be able to send them email ads or newsletters. However, keep in mind that you cannot just send these people anything without their permission. You don't want them to feel that you're spamming them otherwise, you'll lose their trust and business in a heartbeat.
Get the help of affiliate marketers. Obviously, you'll be able to reach out to more people if you get freelance marketers to help you promote your website and your coaching programs in the online arena. Hire those who have the needed expertise, experience, and exposure. You will need to give them pre-determined commission each time they make a sale or each time they're successful in getting interested parties to visit your website.
Hire an internet marketing consultant. If you think that you're not getting the process right and if you feel that you'll need direction from people who know the ropes of internet marketing, I would recommend that you hire an internet marketing consultant. I can guarantee you that you'll benefit from his experience and expertise.
Attract more traffic and build a responsive email marketing list. Be very aggressive when promoting your website and when attracting traffic. Ensure that you capture the attention of those people who are truly interested on what you offer. Get them to sign up to your newsletters and make regular follow-ups until such time that you're able to convert them from potential clients to paying customers.
Use blog marketing. Create your own blog where you can offer your potential clients with useful information and where you can easily get in touch with them. Blogging is now highly recommended after Google's algorithm change.
By the way, do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products?
If so, download my free guide here: How to Sell Coaching
Or do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.
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Friday, October 21, 2011

Make Your Website Profitable

Running a website can be a heavy expense for many people. With the cost of webhosting, shopping carts, hiring a web designer and/or graphic designer as well as everything else, there is an on-going amount of money being invested into a website. Business owners can make money their website profitable on many different levels, depending on the type of site that they are hosting.
Blogs & Information Sites
Blogs and information sites have become increasingly more popular as many people prefer to find information on the internet. If you have chosen a highly targeted topic such as "internet marketing" or "food allergies" for your site then you will easily gain the traffic that you want. There are a few ways to make this type of website profitable.
  1. Membership.If your site has good quality information then you can place a membership access widget on the site that will charge people in order to access the site. For most informational sites a rate of $4.95 to $9.95 per year is acceptable.
  2. AdSense. Many businesses already use pay-per-click advertising to help promote their business. By creating an AdSense account and adding the Google AdSense widget to you website you will be able to generate revenue based on the number of advertisements that are shown on your site and clicked on by the viewer. If you have a lot of web traffic or have multiple sites, AdSense can easily generate a substantial profit for your website.
  3. Advertising Space.Today's internet businesses enjoy being able to advertise on various websites that feature similar content to what their company is about. You can sell advertising space by the month in the form of banner ads on your website to make it more profitable.
Sales Websites
When selling products and services on the internet you want to make an income. That is the primary goal of any internet marketing and sales business. The layout of your website can drastically alter whether your company is getting the business or the competition. Boost your appeal of your website with the following tips so you will have a more profitable sales website.
  1. Keep it Clean.There is nothing worse than an unorganized website that has information and clutter on it. This is an instant turn off for web viewers. Each one will want to see exactly what is available to them. The homepage of our website should feature minimal written content and have an easy to navigate layout for the visitor.
  2. Promote Products. Customers do not want to navigate through a sea of products to find the specific item they are looking for. Help boost the overall concept of your products by having a featured product section on the homepage. This should display two or three of your most popular items. Customers will click on it to see more and be brought to your webstore.
Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the most important aspect of any website. If your site is not optimized with the right keywords and content then consumers will be unable to find it. If you are not sure how to optimize your website, hire a professional.
Are you looking for more information on "how to make your website profitable". Visit today for a free ebook to download, "Inbox Cash Techniques".
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5 Ways to Not Fail at Online Business

Why do some people "make it", and achieve their goals, while others don't?
I find this topic fascinating. Across all areas of life, some people achieve greatness, while others never reach their goals.
For example, I read the disclaimer on a popular Internet Marketing training product the other day that said "99% of people who try this method will fail."
Really? 99% of people will fail?
That's crazy. Then I started to think about it... Yes. I believe that's true.
The majority of people who say they want something are not prepared to do what it takes to get it. This seems to be true in almost every aspect of life: business, fitness, weight loss, etc.
You want a 7 figure business? - SURE!
Want to do the work to get it? - No, thanks.
See, that's how it goes. Most people want stuff, but don't want to work for it.
We want money, success, fame, a thriving business, fitness, choices, and freedom. But we also want to sleep in, eat junk food, watch TV, gossip, and read trashy magazines. We want it all instantly, we don't want to pay much money for it, and we certainly don't want to have to work for it!
Something doesn't add up...
Despite what their fancy sales letters and seductive promotional video launches say, there are no Magic Buttons that deliver you instant riches when you install a WordPress plugin on your affiliate website.There are no Magic Pills that cause you to lose 50 pounds overnight while still eating donuts and candy.
There is, however, something else.
That 'something else' is the passion inside you that makes you plow through everything and anything to get where you want to be. You can have what you want if you're willing to make sacrifices to get it.
I think a lot of people don't want "it" that badly, and that's OK. This "online business" thing isn't for everyone. It's really, really hard work. It takes a TON of dedication and blood, sweat, and tears. Most of that happens behind the scenes, and no one ever sees all the gory details.
So, please understand, that it is OK if this is not for you. It is OK to have smaller goals that suit your family or your lifestyle. And it's fabulous if you can identify that now before your pour a whole lot of money and time into something that just isn't a good fit for you or your family.
But, if you are one of those people who has been wishing, hoping, dreaming of a successful business, and it hasn't arrived - now is the time to take a good, hard look at what you're doing (or NOT doing).
"You need to be doing lots of the right things, regularly, to build a solid business." (James Schramko)
What if this IS for you? What if you really DO want to build a six or seven figure business online? What should you know?
How I've built an online business that ROCKS...
1) Know what you want
There are a million and one different ways to make money. Which one will you choose? Is your overall goal to be well-known or a leader in your field? Or do you want to replace your current "job" income? Do you want to build a big business, with offices around the country?
You need to start somewhere. Start with knowing how you can help others.
What do you know that other people need to know?
What do your friends ask you about?
What do you talk about most?
Are you known in your circle of friends for something?
Can you teach that to others?
How can you serve the wider community with what you know?
The important point here is that this is not all about money. Yes, we all want and need to earn a living. But that is not enough. If you keep your focus purely on financial gain, you'll soon find this loses it's impact after awhile. Once you've paid off your debts, and you have a steady income, what will motivate you to keep striving for bigger things?
People who are extremely successful in business almost always have a bigger plan. They're striving for something HUGE, something bigger than themselves and their family. What are you striving for?
2) You must master the basics
If you're brand new to business, or internet business, you'd be very wise to learn the basics before you go any further. I highly recommend a free, comprehensive, online training program by Ed Dale called The Challenge. It is the best place to learn how to make your first dollar online.
I recommend these smart and honest people. They have a TON of excellent value to share: Lynn Terry of, James Schramko of Internet Marketing, and Sandi Krakowski of A Real
It takes most people years to learn the basics of building a solid online business. So, be patient with yourself. Learn one thing at a time, practice it, and then move on to the next thing. Now, you don't have to become an expert at everything, because eventually you'll be able to hire experts to help you in those areas. But when you're just starting out, it's important to understand the basics of an online business and what needs to be done.
Whatever you do, please find someone you trust to guide you. Read this post on avoiding the common pitfalls in the IM industry, and don't fall for the latest "shiny object" sales tactics.
Choose one or two leaders to follow in your field, and read everything they distribute, attend their events, join their coaching programs, be their best student. And that will bring you to the next step... FOCUS.
3) Focus on the activities that get results (ie: $$$ in the bank)
You're not in business if you're not making sales. And you can't make sales if you don't have a product. You can waste a whole year preparing your product, website, logo, auto-responders, Facebook page, etc. That, my friends, is not a business.
My suggestion is to get your product to the market as quickly as you possibly can - ask for feedback - and make changes as you go along. It isn't easy. It's scary, and a whole lot of hard work to get a product out to the market. Continuous improvement is important, but you must have something out there before you can improve on it.
My friend, James Schramko says "You're either the one reading the emails, or you're the one sending them.". Keep the focus well and truly where it belongs. What actions will bring you the best results? Yes, reading emails can be important. Just don't dedicate your entire day to consuming other people's information. Create the information.
If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Product creation is difficult. But it is the key to a long-term, sustainable business. Of course, other things bring results too... building a list, writing excellent blog posts, serving clients and customers, advertising, publishing great content, building your network, training your team, etc.
4) Ask yourself "What's next?"
Once I complete one project, I immediately ask myself "What's next?". Standing still will kill you and your business. Like a shark, you've got to keep moving to stay alive. Our brains are always searching for the next accomplishment, the next challenge.
I'm not suggesting you work like a crazy-person without ever taking a break. What I am suggesting is that you develop a VERY clear road-map for your business, and you work towards it with passion and diligence.
When you have a clear goal in mind, you're more motivated, inspired, and driven to accomplish the next thing on your list.
I have a list here on the wall with 14 new project ideas, and I add to it every week. In addition to that, I've already planned out my entire year for 2012, and I know once this current project is completed, we will start work on the next one, and the next one, and the next one. Get yourself a flip chart or a white board and start making a list of projects you'd like to complete this year.
5) Stay positive even when the $%!# hits the fan
There is no room for negativity here. Be kind to yourself. You're not alone. We are all human. We make mistakes. There is a lot you don't know yet. But, there is no point in getting all upset, or stressing over things that are beyond our control. Do your best. Be honest. Communicate clearly. And move on.
When things get really bad, call on your support network. Take action quickly, and resolve differences before they become gigantic problems. Stay out of gossip circles, and avoid negative, fake, and shady people at all costs.
I really hope these tips and learning from my experiences help you stay well ahead of the pack. And I'm sure there are about a hundred things I could have added in here that I forgot, or missed out on. And... as always.... I am sure some of you totally disagree with me, or think I've missed the point.
Whatever your thoughts, please share them with me here. This is a discussion... not a soap box.
What has helped you get through the rough patches? How do YOU keep going when it gets tough?
Please let me know your thoughts by commenting in the box below... I look forward to chatting with you! ^Jen
Jennifer Sheahan is the founder of The Facebook Ads Lab, a full-service ads agency specializing in Facebook PPC ads. The FBAdsLab provides ad campaign management, training, and mentor programs for marketers. The goal of the FBAdsLab is to help business owners learn all they need to know to be successful in advertising on Facebook; to take control of their traffic so they can stay ahead of their competition and be leaders in their field. Helping people understand Facebook marketing and delivering outstanding results are the most crucial aspects of the FBAdsLab mission.
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Why You Aren't Making Money From Your Website?

For an online business to succeed, you will need to promote your online business thoroughly. There are many ways of promoting your business to the online community, as there are many types of online marketing strategies. However, before you opt for any of these marketing strategies, you will need to create a website first so that you can list your many products and services on that particular page. Hence, it is important that you create a website with a good web design and web layout, as it will be very important if you want your online business to succeed in the online business world.
When making a good web design, it is best that you make it simple, but eye-catching as well. Simple layouts are good, but it will not make the users interested at it because it is just plain and simple. So it is best that you try to make it get the attention of your future customers and clients, so that you can make your online business a huge success. The following paragraphs will give you some tips on how to make a website with a good web design, and what is its importance when promoting your online business on the Internet.
Make your website easy to navigate and categorize topics accordingly and neatly. Keep the images on one page, and the videos on another. Articles should also be placed according to the different categories (or titles). Your front page should be neat and should contain all the needed information about your company and business. Links should also be put in here so that users can easily go to the page he or she needs to go. If possible, try to put it on the sides of the page so that it will not distract the viewer if he or she is reading the main content.
Try not to include unneeded details. You should not clutter your website with unneeded texts, images, or videos. This will only add up to the loading time of the website, which can be incredibly frustrating if you want to view a web page or a website. You would not want to view a website that takes a few minutes before you can view the content, would you? So try not to insert too many things on your websites and just stick with the ordinary, needed content. With that, you can effectively reduce your loading times, making it faster to load.
So now that you know that web design is extremely important (in promoting your online business), you should make sure that your website is made well and made easier for Internet users and customers to access. Doing this will not only increase your traffic and views, but will also improve your sales and profits in effect, as many people will flock onto your website. Of course, you should not neglect the content, as no matter how good the packaging is, if the content is not really good, people won't be interested on it. Work on your web design, as well as the content so that you can keep your customers satisfied and interested.
Web design is one of the many services Denver web design by KCC offers. If you want to avail of their web design services, make sure to contact them by visiting their website at Boost your online presence with the help of Denver web design!
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Earn Money By Giving Away Free Things

Are you scratching your head, trying to think of ways to make money on the Internet? If you want to make serious money online, then you shouldn't just look at money making opportunities. You should focus on building a real business. A business that will put money in your pockets for years. Here is an interesting money making idea that has been proven to work.
Giant companies are always giving away free things.
First, take some time to search for free stuff on the Internet. You will be surprised at what you uncover. There are literally thousands of freebies available online. These range from digital products such as software to physical products such as shampoo samples. And yes, they are all available for FREE! But why are companies giving away free things?
The answer is obvious - for advertising purposes. And the Internet is a great place to give away freebies because of the power of word of mouth marketing. It's just so easy to spread a message on the Internet. People want to share good stuff with their friends. So when they find something good (and free), they blog about it, tweet about it, post it on Facebook, etc. And their friends tell their friends and so on. This is sometimes known as the viral process.
From the perspective of the companies, this is a good thing to happen. Genuine prospects get to try out their products for free. Once they get to know and trust the brand, they will want to buy more products from the companies. That is how marketing is being conducted online. So what has this got to do with you?
Well, these very same companies are always on the lookout for people to help them with their marketing campaigns. In other words, they are looking for people who can help them start the viral process. They want you to help them give away free stuff. In return for your efforts, you get a commission when someone signs up for a freebie or ends up buying something.
Can this really translate into a real business?
When it comes to business, you have to sit down and think about the dollars and cents. Since it's a business, you should be concerned about profit making right from the onset. If you are not making serious money, why get involved in the first place?
So let's say you give away a free item for a company, and for every person who signs up, you get $5. You are, in effect, generating leads for the companies. $5 may not sound a lot upfront but if you can drive traffic in volume, those numbers can add up to something really substantial.
Now some companies pay only when a sale is made. Since it's harder to sell something, the commission rate is usually higher - perhaps $30 per sale. Then there are companies that give a recurring commission. Can you start to see the profits adding up? And it all starts from giving away something for free!
There have been many network marketing companies that come and go, but one business to pay special attention to is that free thing.
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How Can I Make Money On the Internet? Is Anything Legitimate?

For anyone asking "how can I make money on the internet?" I have this to say. I have been earning my living online for the past 3 years and can honestly tell you that there are FAR more ways to do this than most people realize. However, having a lot of options isn't always a good thing, so in this article I am going to share just a small handful of my very favorite methods for generating a respectable full-time income on the internet.
Wait... what? Back up a second. Having a lot of options isn't always a good thing? The trouble with having a great deal of viable money-making options is that most new online business owners want to try them all. I know I did. I started making money with one method, but instead of sticking to only that method, I heard about something else that worked and tried it. And guess what... that made me money, too!
I got to the point where I was earning a few bucks here and there employing all these various strategies, but I never mastered any of them. As a result, I was earning around $400-600 a month. I was able to pay my rent with it, but little else (actually, nothing else). That's certainly a good thing, but my goal was to quit my job waiting tables, and this was hardly the kind of income that would allow me to do this.
Eventually, I wised up and made the commitment to stick to just one thing and work it ferociously and consistently. That single decision, combined with daily action, enabled me to stop working for wages and start working for profits... full time! It feels awesome knowing that I won't ever have another boss again (unless the internet ceases to exist) and that I can work when and if I want.
Okay, so enough about me. Today we're going to talk about how you can make money online. And this stuff is 100 percent legal, ethical, and effective. There's no scam you need to worry about, as you never need to pay so much as one cent to make your living online. But it's up to you to put it into action and make it work for yourself.
How Can I Make Money On the Internet? Here Are 3 Powerful Ways:
1. Provide an online service to internet marketers. There are thousands of online product owners and affiliates (more on this in a moment) who've got their wallets open and are just begging for help. They need articles written, links to their websites, videos and graphics, proofreading, blog commenting, and all sorts of other little tasks that you can do for them in exchange for instant cash deposited directly into your PayPal account. In most cases, they'll even pay you before you do their work!
2. Buy low, sell high. This is the life's blood of virtually every retail business on the planet. It can be particularly lucrative online. Once upon a time, folks used to hit their local thrift stores, antique shops, and yard sales where they could find little treasures to sell. They would then polish these items up a bit, list them on eBay, and make a nice profit.
Today, this is still practiced, but it has also extended to Craigslist and even the services market. If you can display just the tiniest bit of creativity, there is no limit what you can accomplish with this business model. Of course, doing this with physical products may require travel, inventory stocking, and shipping responsibilities. Therefore, this certainly isn't for everyone.
3. Internet marketing. This is easily my favorite method of making money on the internet. It's fun, relatively easy, and can very feasibly be transformed into a passive income that can last for years. I have websites and articles that I put together in 2008 that are still putting money in my bank today, with absolutely zero intervention on my part! Work once and get paid over and over again.
There are many different individual business models that fall into the category of internet marketing. The main ones are CPA marketing, contextual advertising, product creation and promotion, and my fave of all faves, affiliate marketing. How can I make money online with no product or website of my own? Affiliate marketing is the way.
In essence, you simply find a product you would like to promote (there are literally hundreds of thousands of them to choose from), write simple articles or make videos or choose a promotion method you're comfortable with, and then encourage folks to click on your special affiliate link. When a sale is made, you are paid a commission.
So How Do I Do Affiliate Marketing?
Unfortunately, the process for promoting is far too complex to discuss here in this short article. However, I do have a couple of resources that can get you started on the right track while avoiding many of the mistakes that most new marketers make when getting started.
Option 1 - Go to SEO Experts Academy and get signed up for quite possibly the most thorough and effective training you can possibly receive online. This option costs money, but I have no doubt that once you've gone through it, you'll agree that it's worth at least 10 times your investment.
Option 2 - Sign up for my FREE video training series. These videos will give you a great overview of affiliate marketing, along with some really useful strategies for generating FREE traffic and getting paid the easy way. I am personally inviting you to access your free videos at
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Finding The Best Opportunity For Earning Cash Online

Money might be tight for you right now and you might be looking to the world wide web to see if there is a way to make money. To be honest you can make money on the net, the secret is to stay away from all the scams. You have to remember that there are a considerable amount of dishonest individuals and they figured out that they are able to make money by scamming other individuals. You know the people I am referring to, they offer you pie in the sky and supply nothing. Here you will learn how you can find the real programs and steer clear of the scams.
You've got to watch out for those programs which guarantee you thousands of dollars in a single day. You know things like, "Make $10,000 In Your Very First Month." If you think about it, if something like this was around every person would be using this program. No person would share a program that makes that kind of income, they would keep it to themselves. Though the sales page can be quite nice and the sales copy can be very convincing, you need to keep clear from this ridiculous claim.
The programs that seem practical are programs you ought to begin looking into. Like programs which inform you right off the bat you simply will not get rich but you can create a decent income. A program that makes those claims is actually a reasonable sort of program. Now if this same program says that they designed a software to do all your work for you ignore that program. Even though you can find software to help you none of the software packages can do everything for you. If you wish to make money online you will have to put in hard work. When you see any of these programs there is a pretty good possibility that it's a scam.
Do not believe the testimonials that you discover on their websites. People make up testimonials as a way to scam you, believing that if this program worked for an unemployed man that lived in his car, than it could work for me. Make sure that if you find a good program you do some research in the search engines to find some genuine reviews of the program. If you are able to locate older customers try to look for their email address and ask them about the program. This is usually a great way to avoid a scam, even if it does not seem like a scam.
Looking for a forum that talks about online business programs may also be a great way to investigate a program. Before you buy any program simply continue on to the forums and ask if anybody has bought and used the program. You may also be specific on these forums asking people why they think it did or even didn't work for them.
You can end up saving a lot of cash if you remember to follow the suggestions above. I really do not want you to misunderstand what I am expressing, all the programs on the internet are not scams but probably a good 60% or maybe more are, so be careful.
Want to find out more about economic crisis 2011, then visit Laura Gregory's site for solutions for surviving the current economic crisis.
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On the Internet You Can Make Money

I don't know about you but I don't like to work for other people. I would much rather be my own boss doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. I never really liked to work for other people. I guess I have always been that way since I was a young boy. I always liked to be in charge and to be the boss. As I grew up I have worked for many different companies and people. It is hard to work for people you don't get along with or don't like. Don't get me wrong I usually get along with everyone, an there aren't to many people, that I don't like if any. But you know what I mean. It is just different in a work environment. I'm just saying there are those type of people, that are not easy to work for or with. Now we have some motivation why we need to be are own boss. How about the long drives back and forth to work driving in the wall to wall traffic. That would be nice not to have to do that every day. Then we have our wife's, husband or children to think about. Being able to spend more time with them. Wouldn't that be great to be able to do that?
There are many ways to make money on the Internet. You could do a multi-level marketing business. This is where you sell products to people and try to find leads. The goal is to get them to buy the products and for the most part they will like them. They will keep coming back for more, at least you hope they will keep coming back,that is how you will make part of your money. The other part of multi-level marketing is that you get them to do the same thing your are doing. The more people you have under you the more money you will make. There are a lot of multi-level marketing company's out their that have good business plans. Always do your research and check the back ground of each company you choose to work with.
I prefer affiliated-marketing. As an affiliated-marketer you will find a product that you want to promote. Then you will purchase that product and use it. You will also find as much information on the product as you can and study it till you know all about the product you are going to market. Then you will advertise or wright articles about your product like I'm doing. I hope you do become an affiliated- marketer. There is a lot of money to be made. I wish you the best of luck in what ever you decide to do.
Jonathan C. Drake
You can make a lot of money doing what I do. If you are interested in learning more check out my web site or click the link below.
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Dental Marketing - The Australian Way

As an Australian dentist, it's fascinating to look across the pond at my dental peers in the USA and observe the way they are able to market their dental practices. It seems to me that dentists in some parts of the US are able to do almost anything they please to promote their practice on the internet! They are using stock images liberally throughout their websites to illustrate dental services like cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening. They can use before and after images of their work. They even seem able to use patient testimonials on their websites. They actively encourage their patients to post positive reviews about their practice on other sites around the internet. Their headlines can be, and are, bold and punchy, filled with promises, claims, guarantees and exclamation marks! In many ways it's dental marketing heaven!
Dental Practice Marketing in Australia
In Australia we are much more restricted in the way that we are allowed to promote our dental practices, no matter what media we are using to share the promotional message.
Let's take stock photography images as an example. We are unable, as registered dental practitioners in Australia, to use a stock image of a model with a beautiful smile on a page on our website that promotes cosmetic dentistry or teeth whitening. This is not just because it was not our dentistry that was responsible for the creation of this beautiful smile! We are required to protect people from false expectations about dentistry and what it can achieve for them. Even though many patients will experience a good result from teeth whitening, some people will never end up with teeth like the model in the stock photograph: not without veneers, or a gum lift, or a full dental makeover. But some visitors to your website will look at the stock photo, see that it is on a page about teeth whitening, and assume that their own smile will look just as beautiful after teeth whitening treatment. These are some of the people that our regulations are trying to protect.
The Fine Art of Crafting a Marketing Message for Australian Dental Practices
In Australia we have to craft our dental marketing messages much more carefully. On our websites, for example, it's easier just to state that we provide a particular service rather than devote a page to educating our visitors, and explaining in some detail the pros and cons of the service. If we choose to educate, we need to make it crystal clear that not everyone will get ideal results from the services we provide. We are required to provide warnings about the risk of surgery and other invasive procedures. If we dare illustrate our explanations with images, we need to make sure that people understand that the image is of someone we ourselves treated, what the treatment was, when the image was taken, why the treatment was successful for this particular patient and why the treatment might not be so successful for others. None of this explanation is allowed to be in fine print either!
Sigh. It can be challenging indeed to be an Australian Dentist trying to toe that fine line between promoting themselves as excellent providers of quality dental care in a way that sounds appealing to patients without crossing into the world of over-promising results or under-stating consequences of undergoing the treatment.
Challenging, but not impossible. It's all about taking on the role of educator. Describe the process. List the benefits. List the risks. Illustrate with caution. State clearly that every individual is unique and will need to consult with a dentist to find out whether this treatment will be of benefit to them. Then invite them to call to schedule this appointment with your practice!
Are You Up To The Challenge?
Marketing our Australian dental practices may not be able to be done with pizazz and punchy headlines: but we can certainly provide a great deal of quality information to our patients, allowing them to make educated decisions about their dental care in consultation with their trusted dentist.
Jacki Kearslake is a dentist who helps other Australian dentists to grow their business by establishing a strong online presence for their dental practices. You can find lots of information about dental marketing for Australian Dentists at Dental Web Strategies Call Dental Web Strategies on 1300 216 233 to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation to discuss the online and digital marketing needs for your dental practice.
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Working Online: 7 Strategic Keys to Online Work That Benefits YOU

Yes, you can be gainfully employed online. And yes, you can certainly make your living that way. More people now "go to work" on the Web than New York City, LA and Dallas combined. This article highlights the scope of the online workplace, then lays out seven vital keys to your joining the online workforce and making a success of it.
More than 1/3 of the US workforce is right now making a living as nontraditional contract-based staff. This is a remarkable statistic. The growth of contract job opportunities is at TWICE the growth rate of jobs in the standard workplace. Most US firms-- over 90%-- now utilize contract workers on a regular basis. These contract workers collectively are being paid over $120 billion per year. This represents a lot of job openings needing a lot of individuals to fill them! You could be one of those individuals.
The next time you are in a store checkout line, look at the person checking out to your left, then the person to your right, and then the person in front of you. There is a good chance that at least one of these individuals works on a contract basis, most likely online.
The stunning growth of market demand for internet-based staffs-- up 121% since 2009-- has been especially amazing given that during this same time period the recession has placed most other areas of work into sharp decline. Irrespective of the overall dreary employment picture, the demand for online staff members actually has been rising dramatically.
Of course, the perks of working online sound pretty ideal too. No more commuting into the city. No more office distractions. No more "dressing for success," day after day. No more punching a time clock. Still there are important considerations for you to take charge of if you plan to make a success of becoming part of the growing online workforce, beginning with these seven keys.
First, educate yourself in advance on the possibilities. If you hope to work fruitfully online, you will definitely need to "speak the language" of the new workplace. What are the various types of online jobs actually called? Who are the different types of employers and what do they need? How can you best communicate with these employers and win their confidence? Base your job hunt on intelligence, not ignorance.
Second, coordinate between yourself and the work that is actually in demand online. Do a "needs analysis" of what skills you have and what, if any, additional skills you will need to gain in order to land the type of online job you would like to have.
If you already have the skills you need, polish up on them. If there are skills on the list that you don't have YET, fill these gaps using online classes, tutorials, research and reading, or by taking a few critical courses at your local community college. Become an enthusiastic learner as well as a job seeker. Successful online workers are those who are learning continuously.
Third, translate between what tasks you are able to perform well and what online employers need and are willing to pay to have done. You are the one best suited to match yourself and your skills with what online employers need and are looking for. Communicate plainly what specifically you will be able to add. Cite actual tasks and functions of the work to be executed, clearly showing where you can and will be able to contribute value.
Fourth, carve out for yourself a place in your home where you will be able to do some serious work. Your at-home office needs to be efficient, comfortable, and conducive to productivity. In every home it is actually possible to claim such a place, although you may need to get creative to do so. It is absolutely essential that you be able to focus fully on the tasks at hand.
Fifth, equip yourself for optimal efficiency and productivity. Time is money. Inefficiency costs money. Owning and making optimal use of current hardware and software is a requirement, not a luxury.
Sixth, take control of your time. When you work online, you are the boss. Act like one. Focus your mind and energies. Get down to work and get the work done. When you are "at work," you need to, in a word, WORK. Do take periodic breaks. But steer clear of any and all of the classic time wasters.
This concept holds true at the end of the day too. Be sure that you DO "go home" at the end of the day, even when "going home" is just a matter of walking down the stairs or clicking your computer monitor off.
Seventh, set and hold yourself to action goals. Establish goals for the week, the month, and the year. Plot your accomplishments in terms of your plans, noting any "drift" in your own steady progress. Use a scheduling tool to assist yourself with benchmarking as well as making projections.
In sum, working online requires the state of mind that you are not just working at a "job." In fact, the real "boss" you are working for is actually yourself.
The way to be truly profitable at this kind of endeavor is to put in the time, as well as the effort, to:
  • discover your place,
  • communicate your talents,
  • make certain that you do add value, and
  • thereby reap the rewards.
Dr. Carolee Duckworth is an online work expert, earning her own living online for 12 years & teaching thousands of others how. She designed and initiated significant work advancement for tens of thousands of working adults since 1996.
To learn what you need to know to position yourself to work from home, go to and see how, with a little guidance, you can make the crossover from vague ideas to a clear direction, starting with her FREE e-course and her downloadable eBook, "The Definitive Webworker's Guide: 35 Secrets of How to Work Online and Earn Money."
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3 Ways to Get Money Quick

In this article I'm going to cover three ways to get money quick. Each of these ways to get money quick will involve the Internet so you don't even have to leave your home to make a quick payday.
The first of these ways to get money quick is to utilize micro-job sites. is the most popular and well-known of the micro-job sites today. This is a site in which you can get paid five dollars for doing virtually anything that you can think of assuming there's a market for it.
You advertise your job on this site which you are willing to do and people can search for the kinds of services and jobs you will perform based on the keywords which you use. Once they find your advertised job listing, they can hire you and you can perform that job and get five dollars immediately in your PayPal account (technically it's four dollars given that takes a 20% commission for themselves).
You're not limited to, however. There are a number of other micro-job sites which you can check into which pay more than five dollars.
Secondly, you can be a content writer. There are always webmasters looking for content for their websites and you can make a great deal of money by writing articles for these webmasters if you have a good grasp of the English language and are capable of researching a number of topics and writing at high quality and quantity levels. When I started out making money online by exclusively made money from content writing and made up words of $30 an article.
The key is to establish a client base or a collection of people who like your writing and will pay good money for it. You can use micro job sites like Fiverr and many other sites to established a client base in this way very quickly if you make and produce good content, then you can leave the site and take them with you.
Finally and most obviously we have affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is how I advertise making money on this site and it's my favorite of all of the listed ways to get money quick. With affiliate marketing you promote virtually anything you can think of to other people online and when they purchase whatever it is that you're promoting you receive a piece of that sale called a commission.
It's very easy to set up a quick website with a product review, send a great deal of traffic towards it, and make lots of money on that targeted traffic.
This is exactly what I cover in my 10 Day Fast Track Affiliate Course which you can sign up for without spending a dime at This courses teaches the exact steps which I take to make money when it comes to affiliate marketing which accounts for my entire livelihood.
Also check out this post on how to make money with Fiverr to learn more about how to separate yourself from the competition on these micro-job sites.
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How to Make Money Online Quickly And Perfectly

There are a number of fairly easy ways that you can quickly begin to make money online. You don't have to worry if you have got nothing to sell as there are many ways that you can sell indirectly.
A great way to start to make money online is through the use of affiliate marketing. It is an easy business model that most people can work with very easily. Affiliate marketing is essentially promoting someone else's product or service. It is a good way to start because it involves no direct selling or handling of goods. All you are doing is acting as an intermediate and promoting the goods or service. You just advertise the product and get a commission for every sale that comes through you. It is easy to get started, but can take time and effort to build a steady stream of income via this method.
Another way to start making money online straight away is by signing up to online survey sites. Businesses use information from online surveys to inform their customer service and future product development so they are willing to pay for people's time to fill out surveys. Things to note here are that you will sometimes start a survey and then be rejected if your first answers do not fit the profile they are looking for. But this is certainly an easy way to earn a bit of extra cash quite easily.
Blogging has become a very popular and common way to make money online. To get started all you have to do is decide on a niche and share your thoughts by writing updating as regularly as possible. This in itself does not bring in money, but you can combine it with affiliate marketing and using Google AdSense so you get paid when people click on ads. Choose ads that are related to the content of your blog.
Another very quick way to make money online is by selling things on auction sites such as eBay. If you have never tried this you will be surprised how easy it is. The site takes you through the whole process very carefully and it is in their interest for you to be a successful seller. Most people have a few things around that they don't need that will be of great value to someone else, so it is not necessary to have anything particular to sell to get started. If you want to make a business of it you can learn as you go.
If you want to make money online quickly there are a few good ways to start. You can start to make money online simply and build up skills and knowledge as you go.
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Use a Strategy to Earn Money Online

If you have taken some time scanning through internet to look at internet or affiliate marketers and their success stories, you probably have asked just how they became so successful. Typically, a person's reaction to this is to either sit down and try to plan out just what to do next, or, simply start working online in a haphazard way - just trying one thing or another. What people typically miss or don't understand is that a plan is not enough. While some might luck into success, most will not. What is really needed from the start is a strategy for working online.
Many times, however, people confuse a strategy with a plan. Planning is the process of defining a set list of tasks to be completed in a certain amount of time. For example, you could plan to build a profitable niche website over the next three months. Though this is not a bad way of thinking, a plan is focused on a specific goal. What isn't taken into account is a broader perspective on building your online business through thoughtful growth.
So, just what is a strategy then? Imagine someone who is extremely creative or inventive but has no sense of organization or detail. Now, imagine a planner who can take a goal down to specific steps and dates. A strategy can be thought of as the combination of these two types of thinking. Strategic thinking must utilize some creative thought on what to do with planned goals to reach a broader end result.
A great application of a strategy would be to build an online business that reaches your goal of financial independence and working from home. How could you approach this? Think first of a time-line going from point A to point B where A is your current state and B is where you want to go. The planner would approach this time-line by setting a certain, but small number of significant goals to reach in a specific time. The creative thinker would then ask what they could do uniquely at each goal to grow the business.
Let's use the example that you want to focus on niche marketing. A strategy could be that you would first learn niche marketing by creating an information product of interviews with successful marketers who have developed niche sites. You as the interviewer start with little knowledge, but through the interviews you have started learning how to approach niche development, tips and tricks, and best topic areas. With that information you can create a simple, low-cost e-book to sell online.
Now, your strategy has just started to gel - learning the business through interviews, learning how to package an information product, starting to get your name known by others in that same area. This is an example of the creative thinking needed to build something successful. Next, you could start building your own niche websites and blog on how you achieved them using much of the knowledge you learned from your interviews. You've now reached even more strategic growth - others will want to learn from your blog while you learn even more with your niche sites.
As you can see this type of strategy to start learning and earning money online can continue to grow and blossom into a full-fledged online business. With some creative thought around how to learn, grow, and achieve, then plan some significant milestones, you can then understand how strategic thinking can lead to real success.
For more information on online marketing strategy please visit
Don James is an internet strategist and online marketer. You can learn How to Make Money Online and more at The Agile Marketer to build a successful online business starting today.
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How Can I Start My Own Internet Business

As people search the internet to find the answer to "how can I start my own internet business" the answer they find numerous times are "get rich quick" schemes. Don't fall for them. To make money online it takes some money. As the old saying goes "it takes money to make money". Don't be discouraged though there are honest and legitimate business opportunities being offered on the internet. It just takes time to weed through the bad ones to get to the good ones.
I have found that through my years on the internet and by the way I have found some very bad opportunities and lost money (live and learn). In my journey I have found many good internet business opportunities and I was able to start my own internet business successfully. You too can do it. Over the course of my adventure I have found some real winners and again real losers.
There are many ways to find a legitimate business opportunity that you can start and be successful with. You have to be patient and not jump on the first opportunity that peaks your interest. Don't go for the ones that say you can make millions of dollars with no money. That is a scam. There really is no way to make money on the internet without spending money. That is just the facts. Whatever online business you start there will be work to do. It will take time to make money but it is possible. So how do you start your own internet business without losing your wallet? It's very simple. Decide first what you might like to do on the internet. Then ask yourself a few questions. Do I want to sell something or provide some type of service? Am I looking for work from home business opportunities? Do I have money to start a business? Do I have ample internet access? Am I motivated? Can I follow directions and instructions? Do I give up easily? These are legitimate questions you need to answer. It takes time to build a business. And it does take money. How much it really all depends on the online business you start.
Do you really want to know how to make money online honestly? Not by scamming people but really building a successful internet business. If so there is information you can find that is useful for your search for how you can start an internet business.
You can start right here to find out more about how I can start my own internet business and make money online.
Read more about home based business opportunities and find free resources to start and grow your business at Niche Business 101
Pat Turman is a and internet entrepreneur. She owns numerous online businesses She holds a BBA from an accredited University and numerous awards and certificates.
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How To Make Money Online For Nothing

Ask yourself this simple question. Why am I where I am at this time in my life? The answer is simple you are exactly where you want to be. How am I here you cry, I don't want to be struggling all the time, can hardly afford to pay my bills, put food on the table, can't afford a holiday etc. But that's not what the question asks, I didn't ask what you want in life, I asked why are you where you are.
To expand further it is by your actions in the past that have decided where you are today and it is by your decisions and actions today that your future will be decided. It is you and only you who can change your future for the one that you want. So what do you need to do. STOP PROCRASTINATING.
You are not a victim
Events out with your control will always happen, right now there is a world recession that some people would argue is the worst that the western world has seen. You may have lost your job, may not have had a wage rise for several years, there may be no opportunities for career enhancement where you work due to your company consolidating it's assets. You are no different from everybody else in a similar position. Life is not giving you a hard time, it isn't singling you out for special treatment. So if you are saying to yourself "why me" then stop it, this is the first mistake that you are making.
I have met as I am sure you have met people who don't want to work because they say that they can't afford to and would rather live off state benefits, this is just fear that is stopping them from getting out there and getting a job, once in employment the opportunity is there for these same people to get on in the work place and improve they're prospects.
Even now during the worst recession for at least two decades, there are people out they're making lots of money. They know that they have they're own destiny in they're own hands and they know how to achieve the goals and desires that they have set out for themselves. These are the people that you should be looking to for inspiration and mentoring. Some of these same people are making their money in Online Businesses.
Education is the Key to Success
If you got to University the chances are that you are going to earn a lot more that someone who leaves school with no more than a high school education. Education is knowledge and knowledge pays. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur you may start by reading books by the likes of Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Donald Trump and Warren Buffett. They're success and how they achieved it is a model to success, and if you follow what they have done to achieve they're success using the same techniques may not guaranteed success, but with effort and flexibility success is more likely as you have a mentor to follow.
This is the same with making money online. If you are new and don't really know where to start then getting good advice and education is a must. There are a lot of websites that promise get rich quick schemes but the truth is the only person getting rich is the website owner themselves. What you require is an ethical and honest company that offers training, education and support.
There is a lot to learn when setting yourself up with a online business, website set up, web hosting, traffic generation, keyword research, SEO's, pay per click, article writing, back linking, article writing the list goes on and on and it may seem daunting, but with the correct support and education you can and will learn the skills that you need, but you need to take action, don't just sit back and wait for things to happen.
It is once you stop procrastinating and start taking steps toward your goals and desires that results will start to come to you.
Get with the Program
Every business has people who shine and stand out more that others. You may even find them annoying or think that they cuddling up to the boss or the manager. They are with the Program, office politics are to say the least frustrating. Rules of how to act and behave are set out, what can and can't be said and what people expect and demand from each other. The people that shine and succeed are getting with this particular office rules, they make just as many mistakes and error if not more that the rest of the workforce but they know what the need to succeed. They may be morphing into the boss or the manager, but all they're really doing is using the boss or manager as a mentor to success.
When making money online from nothing there is a program, a program that requires you to copy what is already working for others. Theses are the people that you want as your mentor. It is probably the case that they may have started off exactly where you are right now, but went out and got themselves a mentor to guide them through the minefield on online marketing. They made the decisions and took action and made sure that they had the support and help of they're mentor.
What does someone get out of giving you help, support and advice. Firstly if it was given to them freely then they are just giving back what was given to them. Secondly they may have business opportunities that they themselves are excited about that they may offer you the chance to get involved in. it doesn't mean you have to take them up on they're offer but the offer may be just what you are looking for.
You want to make money online from nothing. It can be done you just need to know how to achieve this, but to achieve this you must obey three simple rules, and these are. 1. Stop Procrastinating, 2. Get Educated and 3. Get yourself on to the program. No more excuses, find out how to succeed and get moving, once you take the first step the it becomes easier to take the second and third and fourth and so on.
I myself am a very cynical person, I don't trust people and business's when they say or promise what seems too good to be true. However, I became involved in the Affiliated Marketing model when I had had enough of the day Job.
Getting my website set was easy, the hard bit was and is the promoting of the website. In this article my aim is to advice you that you can make money online, but you are going to have to work for it, as sitting back doing nothing will result in nothing.
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3 Great Ways To Make Money Online

Are you like a lot of people out there that can't make money online no matter what simply because you don't have a good idea on how to make money online? This is normal but what you don't want to have happen is you get stuck right here. When you are stuck on coming up with an idea to make money nothing good will ever come from it. I recommend that you come up with something and do it now while you are still wanting to make money online.
Since coming up with ideas is somewhat difficult for certain people I have decided to give you some of the things that I love to make money online with. The nice part about all of these ideas is you don't have to be a genius to make them work, all you need is the patience and the drive to make money.
3 Ideas To Make Cash Online
Sell Items On eBay - The first thing you can do to make money online is to sell items on eBay. A lot of people know eBay fairly well and that is why I recommend using it to now earn money instead of spending while shopping. I can guarantee that you have used eBay before and that is why I suggest listing a few items here and there to see what sells. I have been selling items on eBay for about 4 years now and I love it more and more each day.
Write Articles For Money - If you have a passion for writing or really just anything then I would suggest that you try freelance writing. One of the reasons why I love this is because I can write about 60 words per minute which means that in order to make $5 it would take me roughly 8 minutes. I don't know about you but $5 for less than 10 minutes of work is pretty good - that equals $30 per hour. If you think about it, 500 words should not take that long and then you will make an easy $5.
Blog For A Living - One of the things that I am really good at is blogging for my money. I have about 6 different blogs and they all make money so right there I can say that I earn a passive income. In order to be successful as a blogger you need to put in the time and that is the only way it is going to happen for you.
As you can see, all of these things have two things in common - The each are easy to do and they will make you money. What I like about each one of these different ideas is that you don't need a lot of time to make them work, and you can put in more time when you are able to, not only that but each one of these things doesn't cost you a penny. All of these are great ways to make cash online and that is why I highly recommend that you start one of them right now.
If you want to make money then the first thing you need to know is that you must have some decent ideas to make money, the next thing you need to understand is you will not earn money quickly if you do not put in the time and effort.
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Make Money Online Product Reviews - How Much Do You Really Know?

One of the most profitable online businesses can be found in make money online products across the web. Since there is money involved there are plenty of people out there who are trying to take advantage of the situation and sell bad products which leave the user confused and out a couple hundred dollars. Instead of trying to write individual reviews over the thousands of products around the internet I am going to highlight what you should be looking for in a product. This way you will be able to look at any product you find and learn whether it is going to help you or simply be a waste of money. Do not lose faith because for every one of those products out there that is a waste of time there is one that a person put hundreds of hours and useful information into.
  1. Before purchasing a product you should read a review. There are many websites that provide users with make money online product reviews of the top programs in which they feel are the most useful. Remember that if you are not able to find a program reviewed around the internet then it is probably not very useful and not worth your time or money.
  2. Lets say you are working on your first online business and you reach a point where you get stuck and are not sure where to go? You need someone with more experience and skills to help you right? Well any program that is worth the money will provide you with full customer support. Most of the ones that I have seen have an email where you can reach their customer support team and they will respond to you within a few minutes to a few hours depending on the time of the day that you email them.
  3. Anybody can go on the internet and write down that they have made several million dollars from 1 program. How do you actually know that this is true? Before I purchase and join any make money online club I make sure I see real evidence of profits. Some people will take snapshot photos from their payments account which is a way that you can see exactly how much money they are earning.
Now I hope you have been paying close attention to what I have said because like i said at the beginning there are many excellent ways to earn a living from the internet but you have to watch out for liars and fraudulent products by reading make money online product reviews, finding a program with customer support, and making sure you see proof of their income.
Want to know the truth? Our company has provided FULL REVIEWS on top make money online programs. To get your free online personal business tools Click Here
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Making Money Selling Online Using eBay

If you are looking to making money selling online, then eBay could be a great first start for you. Maybe you've already done a little research and perhaps found a hot niche that you think you'll be able to profit with.
Once you've done this, you can then start to analyze your market, come up with your own list of products that you'll be able to sell on eBay. Next you're probably thinking to yourself, 'Great, but where do I get the products I'm looking to sell'
It isn't as difficult as it sounds, once you know the products you want to sell.
Research suitable Wholesalers
A Wholesaler is usually the supplier of products for many retail businesses and each Wholesaler tend to supply specific products in their niche at wholesale prices.
Dealing directly with specific wholesalers, means you can find the products you want to sell, at a great low price, so that you can get a good profit when you resell your products on eBay.
You will more than likely need a store room and enough cash to invest in your stock, as Wholesalers only take bulk orders
Drop Shipping
Drop shipping is similar to a wholesaler but with an extra provision that could be more favourable for you.
Drop shippers allow eBay sellers to list any of their stock, without the additional expense of paying upfront for stock. Once a sale is made on eBay, you would then need to make payment to your drop shipper, and the drop shipper will package the item and ship to your customer on behalf of yourself.
This of course sounds perfect in an ideal world, but be warned, there are good and bad drop shippers, so make sure you do your checks on the drop shippers you want to deal with, check out testimonials and current customers of the drop shippers, before you even open an account, to save embarrassment for all, at a later stage.
Flea Markets And Car Boot Sales
If you like the thrill of finding bargains and unique objects, then why not attend your local flea markets or car boot sales.
Many of the items you'll find can't be found anywhere else and you can get some really great bargains, from which you could turn a handsome profit.
Of course, you'll need to check over the items very carefully for damage, as no-one will buy or want an item that has been damaged and you'll need to be extra careful with the packaging, especially if it's a fragile item that you are shipping.
Another way to making money on the web is, taking on consignment deals.
Consignments are where you sell an item belonging to someone else, who maybe is not very tech savvy and you take a percentage of the final selling price, once it sells.
A great place to start is with friends and neighbours and ask them if they have anything they wish to sell or no longer require. Inform them that you can sell it for them. They'll more than likely be happy to get cash for their unwanted items, while you make a commission in the process for selling their item.
To take this to the next level, you could contact local businesses and offer your consignment service. Businesses usually have returned stock, used equipment, surplus stock, so picking up excess stock could turn both you and them a great profit.
Using eBay
The general rule of any business is to buy your stock cheaper than you sell it... That isn't rocket science, but a great place to buy goods cheaply is eBay itself.
There is a wholesale category, many items are sold in bulk which could be sold individually for profit. Sell Your Own Items To make money working from home, you probably have some items in your home that either look out of place, are outdated or you've fallen out of love with.
This is a great way to cut your teeth on eBay. If the items are in good condition then you should still be able to sell them on eBay and turn your items into cash. Have a root around in your basement, loft and garage and you could be surprised how many items you could find, to start selling.
This is the fastest and easiest way to find and get products to start your eBay business and getting some great experience.
Richard Jagger is an experienced online Internet Marketer with an in-depth knowledge of How To Make Money Online and creator of the #1 'Make Money Online Today' report Download Your Free Copy Here
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