Friday, October 21, 2011

Help For The 4.5 Million Unemployed People In The United States

Unemployment has reached record numbers. These people are struggling to by and many can't even afford to buy food for their families. Home foreclosures are also on the rise because it is near impossible to pay a mortgage if you don't have any income. Some people have been unemployed for over a year and are giving up hope on ever finding a job. Others get so frustrated putting in hundreds of applications and never getting a job that they have quit trying. This dismal picture does not seem to be improving even the slightest.. Employers are just not hiring.
I spend a lot of time worrying about how desperate these unemployed people must be getting. I understand because I WAS in there shoes. I had very little money and lots of bills to pay. I started getting desperate for a way out. I started spending money I didn't have on everything that promised me FAST MONEY. I learned that when you are desperate, you will believe ANYTHING no matter how stupid it sounds. Here's my favorite one... I guarantee that YOU will make 1 million dollars by the end of the week. You don't have to do anything but push a button... Let's stop and think about this. Can people really think that they can make lots of money with very little work? Yes, if they are desperate enough, common sense goes out the window. We call these SCAMS and we have all seen them and I'm sure many of us have been caught up in them too.
I started to realize that the only way to make money was to work for it. So, I started learning about the CONCEPTS of starting a business. I wanted something that I would own. If it failed, I would be the only one to blame. I took the time to read everything I could to learn. I even took the good parts from all the "scams" I tried and put everything together. In the end, I learned how to build MY business. I now control my own destiny.
Let me tell you, this did NOT happen overnight. It took lots of time and effort. It took lots of trial and error to see what really worked. Anyone can do this too. Everything you need to learn can be found for free on the internet. Just don't keep spending money on "Get Rich Schemes". They do nothing but make the person who sold it to you rich. Don't be a victim!
Want to help the unemployed by showing them how to build their own business. Teach these people step by step how to improve their current situation. Doing my small part to help reduce the number of people with no income. I believe I can make a difference one small step at a time. Visit


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