Friday, October 21, 2011

Make Your Website Profitable

Running a website can be a heavy expense for many people. With the cost of webhosting, shopping carts, hiring a web designer and/or graphic designer as well as everything else, there is an on-going amount of money being invested into a website. Business owners can make money their website profitable on many different levels, depending on the type of site that they are hosting.
Blogs & Information Sites
Blogs and information sites have become increasingly more popular as many people prefer to find information on the internet. If you have chosen a highly targeted topic such as "internet marketing" or "food allergies" for your site then you will easily gain the traffic that you want. There are a few ways to make this type of website profitable.
  1. Membership.If your site has good quality information then you can place a membership access widget on the site that will charge people in order to access the site. For most informational sites a rate of $4.95 to $9.95 per year is acceptable.
  2. AdSense. Many businesses already use pay-per-click advertising to help promote their business. By creating an AdSense account and adding the Google AdSense widget to you website you will be able to generate revenue based on the number of advertisements that are shown on your site and clicked on by the viewer. If you have a lot of web traffic or have multiple sites, AdSense can easily generate a substantial profit for your website.
  3. Advertising Space.Today's internet businesses enjoy being able to advertise on various websites that feature similar content to what their company is about. You can sell advertising space by the month in the form of banner ads on your website to make it more profitable.
Sales Websites
When selling products and services on the internet you want to make an income. That is the primary goal of any internet marketing and sales business. The layout of your website can drastically alter whether your company is getting the business or the competition. Boost your appeal of your website with the following tips so you will have a more profitable sales website.
  1. Keep it Clean.There is nothing worse than an unorganized website that has information and clutter on it. This is an instant turn off for web viewers. Each one will want to see exactly what is available to them. The homepage of our website should feature minimal written content and have an easy to navigate layout for the visitor.
  2. Promote Products. Customers do not want to navigate through a sea of products to find the specific item they are looking for. Help boost the overall concept of your products by having a featured product section on the homepage. This should display two or three of your most popular items. Customers will click on it to see more and be brought to your webstore.
Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the most important aspect of any website. If your site is not optimized with the right keywords and content then consumers will be unable to find it. If you are not sure how to optimize your website, hire a professional.
Are you looking for more information on "how to make your website profitable". Visit today for a free ebook to download, "Inbox Cash Techniques".
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